Floating UI

Service Overview

The Floating UI service is designed to create a flexible and dynamic floating DOM element that can be positioned relative to a reference element. It provides a set of options for customization, including positioning configuration, auto-updating behavior, and arrow styling.

The service uses a 3rd party library called floating UI.

By leveraging the provided directives and state stores, developers can easily integrate floating UI elements into their web applications with flexibility and control.

`createFloatingUI` factory

Use the createFloatingUI function to create an instance of the Floating UI service. Pass an optional propsConfig parameter to customize the initial configuration.

Configuration Options

The propsConfig parameter allows you to provide initial values for the following options:

  • computePositionOptions Option for positioning the floating UI relative to the reference element. Refer to computePosition documentation for defaults and options.
  • autoUpdateOptions Option for enabling auto-updating of the floating position. Refer to autoUpdate documentation for defaults and options.
  • arrowOptions Option to customize the arrow element associated, by giving the element itself and eventually a padding. Refer to arrow documentation for defaults and options.

Output Directives

  1. Reference Directive Apply this directive to the reference element from which the floating UI will be positioned.
  2. Floating Directive Apply this directive to the floating UI element. This directive includes styling updates based on the floating UI position.
  3. Arrow Directive Apply this directive to the arrow element, if present. This directive includes styling updates based on the arrow position.

State Stores

The Floating UI service exposes several state stores that represent different aspects of the UI position:

  • x$: X-coordinate of the floating UI.
  • y$: Y-coordinate of the floating UI.
  • strategy$: Strategy used for positioning.
  • placement$: Placement of the floating UI.
  • middlewareData$: Additional data provided by middleware.

Patching States

Floating UI instance includes a patch method that allows you to patch the configuration dynamically at runtime.


In Action
